s.Yen Design x HaoHao Studio

Transforming Spaces, Transforming Lives

As an Interior Architectural Designer and a Theta Healing Therapist, I offer a unique blend of services that go beyond just creating visually appealing spaces. I believe that our surroundings deeply influence our inner well-being, and by transforming the physical environment, we can also transform our inner worlds, vice versa.

By working harmoniously with my clients, we embark on a journey to create energetically balanced spaces that not only please the eye but also nurture the soul. Through a holistic approach that combines design expertise with feng shui / energy fundamentals, I aim to help people find peace, balance, and inspiration in their homes and within themselves. Together, we co-create spaces that resonate with their true essence, fostering a sense of harmony and well-being that extends far beyond the material realm — I turn ideas into vibrant realities.

Embrace your uniqueness and allow me to guide you on manifesting that into your surroundings, whether that’s through design or through Theta Healing Sessions, I am here to help.

XX - Susan Yen, LEED A.P.